Esimene oli rõhutama. See tähendab 'to underscore/to emphasize' inglise keeles. Mu lause -
Mats ütles et Arnold Oskmaa uus avaldus rõhutab et tema on üks näljakas huul.
Teine imelik sõna oli tõetama. See tähendab 'to back' inglise keeles. Leiutame midagi -
Taavi Veskimägi ütles eile, et Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit ei tõeta Arnold Rüütel presidentiks.
Järgmine sõna oli juht. 'Juht' tähendab 'conductor' või 'party leader' või 'leader.' Okei.
Lembitu oli vana eestis suur juht.
Neljaks meil on ammu teada - I have no friggin' idea what this means exactly. But Veskimägi said yesterday -
Rüütli kandideerimine oli ammu teada
Viimane on äpu. Ma arvan et see tähendab 'fool' või 'idiot' inglise keeles. Mu lause on -
Palju inimesi maailmas arvad et George W. Bush on tõeline äpu.
7 kommentaari:
Mats ütles et Arnold Oskmaa uus avaldus rõhutab et tema on üks näljakas huul.
Ok, that's probably the first time I didn't really understand what you wanted to say..
Taavi Veskimägi ütles eile, et Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit ei tõeta Arnold Rüütel presidentiks.
"for president" right. It's a bit different in Estonian.
Sa võid öelda: "..ei toeta Arnold Rüütli presidendiks kandideerimist" või lihtsalt "..ei toeta Arnold Rüütli kandidatuuri"
Lembitu oli vana eestis suur juht.
Lembitu oli Muinas-Eesti suur juht.
But the word we usually use for ancient (muistne -> muinas) Estonian leaders is "pealik or "vanem"(elder).
Rüütli kandideerimine oli ammu teada
Correct :)
ammu - long time ago
teadma - to know
Palju inimesi maailmas arvad et George W. Bush on tõeline äpu.
I think it's: "Paljud inimesed arvavad"
although many Estonians say "palju inimesi arvab" - which I think is wrong. I'm sure some of our many Estonian language experts here know better.
And "äpu" is more like a person who can't to anything right or often fails - more like a screw-up... softie-weak-shy type of screw-up. I know there's a word in English which carries almost the same meaning but I just can't recall it...
Way to go!
Mats ütles et Arnold Oskmaa uus avaldus rõhutab et tema on üks näljakas huul.
Ok, that's probably the first time I didn't really understand what you wanted to say..
"Mats said that Arnold Oskama's new statement underscores the fact that he is a funny idiot."
Look, it's not easy to use 'rõhutama' in a sentence. Let me try again.
Toomas, sinu uus sinine kikilips rõhutab sinu silmad!
Rüütli kandideerimine oli ammu teada
Correct :)
ammu - long time ago
This grammatical structure makes NO sense to me. When I read it, I see:
"Rüütel's candidacy was for a long time to know." Why does it end in 'teada' instead of 'teanud'?
And "äpu" is more like a person who can't to anything right or often fails - more like a screw-up... softie-weak-shy type of screw-up.
I can remember that. The English term is 'loser.'
Mats ütles et Arnold Oskmaa uus avaldus rõhutab et tema on üks näljakas huul.
Toomas, sinu uus sinine kikilips rõhutab sinu silmad!
Oh ok, I was I bit hasty the first time and that's why i didn't really process the word "huul"
"huul" means lip, I think "hull" is the word you're looking for.
But I still somehow feel that the word "rõhutama" doesn't fit here.
"Mats ütles, et Arnold Oksmaa uus avaldus näitab/tõestab, et ta on üks naljakas hull/tola" would be better.
(näitab - shows; tõestab - proves)
Toomas, sinu uus sinine kikilips rõhutab sinu silmi! (mida? osastav kääne)
Although "..sinine kikilips toob su silmad esile" sounds even better.
(esile tooma - bring out)
The perfect "rõhutama"-example :)...
President Meri rõhutas oma kõnes emade tähtsust ühiskonnas.
Rüütli kandideerimine oli ammu teada
Yeah, too hasty again. It is just so darn logical in Estonian, so unless you're a language teacher, you just don't notice things like that.
It's hmm... a joint-verb (probably not the right word)
teada olema
"teada" always remains the same, conjugate the "olema" - so it transaltes to "is/was known"
You're a ecxellent student. Always going deeper and it feels like you are really trying to understand the langauge not just know the words.
Then again, what we have here isn't a real classroom... :)
Roland already explained the "äpu" and "loser" conflict..
Äpu is even used to describe a young child, puppy etc when they are too tired or simply just can't walk, sit up right and so on.
"Ta on ikka veel täitsa äpu"
Oh, and "loser" is "luuser" in Estonian. Used by everyone everywhere. One of our most successful new loanwords.
a. One that fails to win: the losers of the game.
b. One who takes loss in a specified way: a graceful loser; a poor loser.
One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck or poor skills: “losers at home seeking wealth and glory in undeveloped countries” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
Estonian "luuser" can only mean the loser no. 2,
loser no. 1 is still "kaotaja"
I have to show you who Äpu is... We have the DVD of Estonian childrens programs at home and Äpu the original is singing there ;)
tubli! väga huvitav on lugeda, nüüd ma tean, kuidas minu inglise keel välismaalastele kõlab =) muljetavaldav, jätka samas vaimus!!
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