One being offered is 'Nordic breeze', which to me sounds like an underarm deodorant or a new brand of gin long drink or a lite FM song by Seals and Crofts. Therefore, I am not too fond of this one.
I personally am interested in anything that mentions the forest, because whenever asked about their homeland, Estonians get shy and say something about the forest, as if it were a fetish of which they were ashamed.
52 kommentaari:
How about:
"Flat country, flat tax, flat for sale!" :)
I think that's pretty representative!
Wow -- I checked some of the Seals and Crofts song titles and why go further? Try saying "Estonia. [pause]" in front of these ones:
Keep it Comin'
Exception to the Rule
The Big Attraction
Blessed is the Spot
I don't know if anyone heard the sad news, but the Baha'i centre burned down in Tallinn a couple weeks ago, maybe they could sponsor the rebuilding while thinking up a title.
You can vote here http://www.ekspress.ee/kysitlus?Open&Camp=230407-WELCOMETOESTONIA
Eesti: Põhjala tuulehoog! / Estonia: Nordic Breeze!
Olen leidnud Eesti! / Heureka - Estonia!
Eesti: kus Põhjalast saab Baltikum / Estonia: where Nordics meets the Baltics
Väiksuse võlu
Estonia - see the difference!
Not Eastonia but E-stonia
Simply bESTonia
Estonia rulez
"e"-kuues Eesti / Estonia, dressed in "e"
E-stonia - kivine maa, lennukad mõtted.
Just Come. Just See. You'll Never Leave
Estonia- väike maa, suured südamed / Estonia- a small country, big hearts
Estonia: unique & unforgettable
Eesti: väike maa, suured mõtted / Estonia: small country, big ideas
Estonia - A Tale to Tell
Estonia - medieval, modern, marvelous
Ehe maa, Eesti / Estonia, genuine land.
Eesti - väike Põhjala pärl! / Estonia - a small Nordic pearl!
Eestis on elu
smallEST but coolEST!
Estonia - ilusate mõttete maailm! / Beautiful minds World!
Estonia – the heart of changes
Estonia - surprises even ourselves
Parim maa vikerkaare all
Discover Yourself in Estonia
Challenging The Reality
Eesti - roheline ja elav / Estonia - green and living
Põhjamaade pärl
Estonia rocks
Eesti - väike, aga tubli! / Estonia - small and smart!
How about, "Nordic oyster"?
You can vote here http://www.ekspress.ee/kysitlus?Open&Camp=230407-WELCO
Yes, I think all of the above can be divided into three categories.
1) Cat 1 - Corny, weak, and meaningless - c. 70%
2) Cat 2 - "We suck, but please like us." - c. 20%
3) Cat 3 - Sort of OK. Don't make one want to vomit. :-) - c. 10%
"Heureka - Estonia" is the best of Ekspress, I think. I guess that's also Giustino's thought? Although "Nordic oyster" might better be used to describe a fat shy Finnish chick who likes sex. :-P
I think Estonia's slogan should be "the star of new Europe".
But I think the state of California has the market all but cornered on "Eureka" as a motto, adding an odd H isn't going to change the association.
Is this supposed to be an English slogan? Some of these need some serious language help.
Although "Nordic oyster" might better be used to describe a fat shy Finnish chick who likes sex. :-P
Well if Estonia is the Nordic Oyster, then you are likely to find many Nordic pearls in it.
That should encourage investment, right?
That should encourage investment, right?
I don't know. :-)
And nobody has yet come up with the famous concise Estonian grammar:
"No sex, no future".
I don't know, to me, the oyster is too associated with Belgium (avec des frites!). Besides which, they're slimy and slide down your throat easy. Oysters, that is, not Belgians.
Besides, one of the entries is already, "a small nordic pearl".
I really don't like "surprises even ourselves" - that sounds SO arrogant.
I don't like the Nordic references because it seems to be saying that Estonia has nothing to say for itself, it has to purely define itself through a Nordic identity. Surely it's got enough individualistic traits to come up with something more unique?
Considering some of the domestic tensions, how about, "Love it or leave it"? :)
I quite like the tagline from the (geek alert!) 1st X-men film: "We're not what you think."
I personally am interested in anything that mentions the forest
While I think "Mine metsa!" would find widespread public support as the new Estonian slogan, it's unlikely to be approved.
"Flat country, flat tax, flat for sale!" :)
Considering some of the domestic tensions, how about, "Love it or leave it"? :)
Oh snap!
How about jäääär?
"on the edge of the ice"
There are bountiful metaphors in there somewhere.
Made a mistake, it's mussels that are actually associated with belgium, not oysters. but oysters are still slimy.
I mean Iceland is "land of fire and ice", right?
And no, I did not intentionally rip off Iceland.
I actually liked "Põhjamaade pärl". It sounds kind of cute. :D
It would be even better if it would be "Eesti - põhjamaade pärl" or something like that.
How about:
"Estonia. We are all here because we are not all there!"
How about a variation on "The Sixth Sense":
"I see blond people." ;)
Or how about:
"Have you seen the Encino Man?"
"Estonia 2007. Still looking for our Nokia."
"Estonia 2007. Still looking for our Nokia."
LOL! I love it!
Just Come. Just See. You'll Never Leave
Clever variation on the official Soviet Estonia slogan: Just Come. Just See. At Least YOU Can Leave.
"Just Come. Just See. You'll Never Leave"
Yeah, unless you're a black and gay Dutchman.
This is a rubbish one. Anonüümne's Nokia one is the best I've seen so far.
That suggests:
"Estonia: What Holland Used to Be Like"
to be read either way: tolerant and gezellig...or, if you like, what it used to be even before that -- quaint Old World traditions, windmills and lots of not-so-gouda cheeeses.
Anonüümne's Nokia one is the best I've seen so far.
The best for what purpose? Comedy?
The slogan should represent how we see our country, what we want it to be. Searching for our Nokia was more a topic of the 90s than the current decade. We have dynamic fast-growing economy. And we have Skype. And we're in EU and NATO.
Trying to mimic the Finns and feeling inferior to everyone else should be a thing of the past.
"Enough of me. Let's talk about you. Tell me, what do you think of me?"
"I could think a lot worse places to be"
"well, look at yourself, then"
Jesus, Plasma. Why is it so difficult for Estonians to stand up straight? We're not enslaved anymore! Look outside - free country, free nation. Chance of a millennium to make ourselves a good home.
"Estonia is great!" should be our war-cry. "Or if it isn't, it soon will be."
Not "We're sorry we exist. Please tell us it's OK."
Oh, lighten up Kristjan. Don't take it so seriously. It's a tourism slogan that's all. Latvia has, "The Land that sings." Spain has "Smile! You are in Spain." Cyprus has "An island for all seasons."
Meaningless drivel that the average visitor forgets about 5 seconds after seeing it.
I liked the Nokia one because it's actually witty enough that people would remember it, and it shows a good sense of humour. It would show a country comfortable enough with its identity to laugh at itself.
It would show a country comfortable enough with its identity to laugh at itself.
I don't think we're quite there yet. ;-)
"Estonia: We promise to keep a straight face when you drunkenly try to practise your school-level Russian on us, in the mistaken belief that this will somehow impress us."
"Estonia: AS IF you'd rather go to Kaliningrad for your vacation!"
"Nordic Oyster" is good. Funny, original, you remember it and it means something (pearls inside). IMHO.
but you eat oysters. they don't have pearls or anything inside them. only oyster meat. imo.
What? Latvia is the Land That Sings?
We should sue!
What's their next slogan -- Land of Many Islands?
Nordic Oyster -- I'll support it. Not just to score brownie points with the moderator, but more as a protest vote. Makes you think for a second. Pearl is too elementary.
(singing) One night in Tallinn...in the Nor-dic oyster...
"Estonia. Your news, our history!"
"Estonia. We put 'E' in everything."
"Eesti. Tasane maa, äkilised mehed."
"Estonia. We haven't told anybody what you did last summer."
"Estonia. Scandinavia's elbow."
or better yet:
"This is Estonia! Your last exit before Russia.?
Here's a cheeky one from John McCain:
What happens in Estonia, stays in Estonia.
"Estonia. Beergoggles required."
Ja ometi, kui ma olen eestis mitte yhetgi m6istlikku t-s2rki ei ole kaasa osta. Ainult mingid lamedad ja vaimuvabad "Welcome to Estonia" ja "Tallinn" ja siis mingid lapsikud "Navitrollad." V2hemalt viimased sobivad lastele, aga muus osas on eesti reklaamimine ikka t2itsa olematu.
Keegi ei viitsi?
Estonia. Not your dad's Switzerland.
Estonia - yours today, ours everyday!
Eesti. Hoopis teine minek.
"Estonia: where Nordics meets the Baltics, get drunk off their gourd, and sing incomprehensible songs really loudly at four in the morning."
Okay, maybe that's a bit too long.
What is the Baha'i Centre? My Estonian spouse, Marliis, does not recognize that name. I've spent a lot of time in Tallin. We met in FInland, married in Parnu Estonia, and live in a downtown loft in San Diego.
Baha'i is an Asian religion. Has throngs of followers.
@kristjan - that was a futile attempt of joking at the end of the office day
I forgive. :-)
Surely, by now, "the star of new Europe"? ;-)
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