a blog about the world's only post-communist nordic country.
kolmapäev, veebruar 21, 2007
Nii, nüüd ma hakkan kirjutama eesti keeles. Iga päev ma õpin veel, ja üks väga huvitav sõna mina olen õpinud on tegelikult "vunts" või "vuntsid." Inglise keeles, "vuntsid" on ainult ainsus, "mustache" mitte "mustaches."
Kui te tahaks vuntsi maha ajada Ameerikas, mõlemad vuntsid tulevad ikka ära. Aga sellepärast, et eestlased on targem kui ameeriklased, on võimalik ajada maha ühe vuntsi ja teise vuntsi. See on päris hea uudis meie sõber Pulleritsi-le!
Võibolla peaksid tegema kaks eraldi blogi 1) eesti keele õppimiseks ja eesti keeles, 2) inglise keeles, sihtgrupiks estofiilid ja inglise keelt rääkivad eestlased...
...praegu näiteks meie sõbrad Jens-Olaf ja teised loevad seda siin ja kratsivad kukalt ;)
Translation for non-Estonian speakers. Maybe yhou should make up two different blogs 1) In Estonian, for learning Estonian (and by the way, it could be open for other users who want to post?! Maybe.) 2) In English, about all the other topics, the continous flow of information about Baltics and whatever catches your interest. So that Jens Olaf and others would understand, too ;)...
epp, tänan sind. Aga ma ei ole päris kindel. Seems it attracts the Estonian side here. A blog in eesti keele that would mean he is posting for three or four blogs then. Btw my Eesti-Saksa Sonaraamat says that the balti-saksa word for vunts is "Wunze", standard-German it is Schnurrbarthälfte"
It's awesome that you are now able to post in fluent Estonian, and you have the right to post in whatever language you choose, but I think it's important to mention that I hope you continue to post in English because your blog is THE definitive English language blog on Estonian affairs. I can find no where else where an intelligent discussion amongst ethnic Russians, ethnic Estonians, and those living abroad can participate and be updated on contemporary Estonian issues in the modern day lingua franca. Your blog is one of the few bulwarks against the steady stream of BS propaganda from Russian sources such as Pravda, Itar-Tass, Interfax, Regnum, etc. An occcasional statement from the Estonian Foreign Minister is nice, but I don't think it is nearly as powerful as your posts and the subsequent discussion in English.
Also, being semi-fluent in Estonian I am able to follow what you are writing, but I am afraid to post using my hackneyed Estonian grammar. I hope that potential readers and posters aren't intimidated by a little bit of Estonian. In any case, thanks for the blog, I truly enjoy reading it and without it would be much less informed.
On the one hand, as someone in much the same position - American attempting to master this crazy Estonian thing :-) - I most definitely enjoy the occasional language post. On the other hand, it is such an excellent blog for all things regarding Estonia - I would hate pravda and the such losing this "competition" in the English speaking world.
Nooo, don't abandon the English! I just pointed out this blog to my husband (who doesn't read Estonian, at least not beyond his favorite sentence "õlu on otsas")--I'd hate for him to miss out on your unique perspective. At least keep some sort of parallel narrative going--you'll have a broader audience and the conversation will be richer for it. As for that "hüva" thing (sorry, other topic, I know)--north/south aside, I think it's one of those trendy things...a few years from now it'll be something else that everybody ends their chats with.
11 kommentaari:
Väga lahe, et ajaveebi kirjutamise abil eesti keelt õpid. Jõudu! :)
Minu meelest peaksid sa pidama ka seda blogi Inglise keeles edasi. Ikkagi väike Eesti PR kanal maailma :)
Võibolla peaksid tegema kaks eraldi blogi
1) eesti keele õppimiseks ja eesti keeles,
2) inglise keeles, sihtgrupiks estofiilid ja inglise keelt rääkivad eestlased...
...praegu näiteks meie sõbrad Jens-Olaf ja teised loevad seda siin ja kratsivad kukalt ;)
Translation for non-Estonian speakers.
Maybe yhou should make up two different blogs
1) In Estonian, for learning Estonian (and by the way, it could be open for other users who want to post?! Maybe.)
2) In English, about all the other topics, the continous flow of information about Baltics and whatever catches your interest. So that Jens Olaf and others would understand, too ;)...
sa oled üks vahva vunts, justin! :)
või täitsa vunts!
(need on minu vanaema lemmik-kiidusõnad :))
Ma arvan et üks blog on juba liiga palju töö. Las ma kirjutan mõnekord eesti keeles ja mõnekord inglise keeles.
I think that one blog is already too much work. Let me write sometimes in English, and sometimes in Estonian.
epp, tänan sind. Aga ma ei ole päris kindel. Seems it attracts the Estonian side here. A blog in eesti keele that would mean he is posting for three or four blogs then.
Btw my Eesti-Saksa Sonaraamat says that the balti-saksa word for vunts is "Wunze", standard-German it is Schnurrbarthälfte"
It's awesome that you are now able to post in fluent Estonian, and you have the right to post in whatever language you choose, but I think it's important to mention that I hope you continue to post in English because your blog is THE definitive English language blog on Estonian affairs. I can find no where else where an intelligent discussion amongst ethnic Russians, ethnic Estonians, and those living abroad can participate and be updated on contemporary Estonian issues in the modern day lingua franca. Your blog is one of the few bulwarks against the steady stream of BS propaganda from Russian sources such as Pravda, Itar-Tass, Interfax, Regnum, etc. An occcasional statement from the Estonian Foreign Minister is nice, but I don't think it is nearly as powerful as your posts and the subsequent discussion in English.
Also, being semi-fluent in Estonian I am able to follow what you are writing, but I am afraid to post using my hackneyed Estonian grammar. I hope that potential readers and posters aren't intimidated by a little bit of Estonian. In any case, thanks for the blog, I truly enjoy reading it and without it would be much less informed.
I think a mix is a good solution.
On the one hand, as someone in much the same position - American attempting to master this crazy Estonian thing :-) - I most definitely enjoy the occasional language post. On the other hand, it is such an excellent blog for all things regarding Estonia - I would hate pravda and the such losing this "competition" in the English speaking world.
Nooo, don't abandon the English! I just pointed out this blog to my husband (who doesn't read Estonian, at least not beyond his favorite sentence "õlu on otsas")--I'd hate for him to miss out on your unique perspective. At least keep some sort of parallel narrative going--you'll have a broader audience and the conversation will be richer for it. As for that "hüva" thing (sorry, other topic, I know)--north/south aside, I think it's one of those trendy things...a few years from now it'll be something else that everybody ends their chats with.
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