On the policy contract you are asked questions such as, Kas Teil on diagnoositud HIV-viirust? -- "Have you been diagnosed with the HIV virus?" That question I understood well enough to answer. Others were more complicated. One question I was asked by the agent was:
Kas olete teinud enesetapukatse?
This question bothered me because what I understood couldn't possible be on an insurance form. That's because instead of what she asked, I heard:
Kas olete söönud enne hapukapsaid?
Literally, "Have you eaten sauerkraut before?" I thought about answering "jah" because we had hapukapsad for dinner last night, but I decided that no matter how much Estonians like their hapukapsad, there's no way they'd ask you that in order to get an insurance policy. As far as I know, hapukapsad has no medicinal properties.
The agent then explained to me that enesetapukatse is when an inimene (person) katsetab (attempts) tappa (to kill) enast (themself). Ah, enesetapkatse -- suicide. Kas olete teinud enesetapukatse? -- "Have you ever made a suicide attempt."
I informed her proudly that I had never attempted suicide, and, to be safe, let her know that I had eaten hapukapsad on many occasions.
8 kommentaari:
HAHAHA! Priceless! :-) Thanks for the laugh.
I think you'll find sauerkraut is actually full of all sorts of vitamins and is remarkably good for you.
I was in a sauna one day with some americans who also spoke a little Estonian. Then I told them "Viska leili" which means to throw water on the "keris" - the hot stones on the ahi. One of them looked at me and asked why I needed cinnamon because he had heard that I asked for "Viis kaneeli"
this kind of jokes are always so CUTE :)
Pea vastu mees. Kevad tuleb.
hey looking forward to this Leto Svet posting :)
Don't underestimate sauerkraut's healing properties. Apparently, it can even cure bird flu.
HIV - human imunodeficiency virus
HIV - virus.....incorrect
HI - virus......correct
Päikest! :]
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