But, thanks to this Finno-Ugric bog language, I wasn't able to get three pages into Jussikese Seitse Sõpra without meeting some new words.
One of the first words I came upon was kaduma, which means 'to disappear' in English. Las proovime midagi -
Hansel ja Gretel kadusid metsas.
Another interesting word was tarbima. This means 'to consume.' Leiutame midagi -
Juha tarvis meie jäätis ära.
The third word I met was tihane. This is a kind of bird that doesn't exist in great quantity in North America. After much searching, we discovered that the English word for tihane is 'tit' and there are birds out there called 'great tits.' Wow! What a cool name for a bird.
Palju tihased elab metsas, ja me nägisime kaks tihaset eile õhtul maja ees.
Also, I recently was reading Eesti Naine (these are the kinds of magazines lying around my house) and found some more words I didn't understand. One of them was 'keerlema.' This means 'to spiral' in English.
I can't think of a good way to use it in a sentence in Estonian. Maybe something like -
Toomas Liivi probleemid on kleerenud kontrolli alt välja.
Finally, I have been reading some comments on SL Õhtuleht. So two of my new words now are pask and okse. They mean 'shit' and 'vomit,' respectively.
Need pelmeenid maitsevad nagu pask! Mul on nüüd vaja oksendada!
12 kommentaari:
Haha. Like usual, you got the dirty words and the sentences with them EXACTLY right!
Hansel ja Gretel kadusid metsas.
FYI, it's Hans ja Grete in Estonian, and you should probably add ära.. kadusid metsas ära.
Juha tarvis meie jäätis ära.
Eat is usually used there (sööma). And tarbima->tarbis.
See telekas tarbib palju voolu.
This TV consumes a lot of electricity.
That would be better with tarbima.
Palju tihased elab metsas, ja me nägisime kaks tihaset eile õhtul maja ees.
Metsas elab palju tihased ja me nägime eile õhtul kahte tihast maja ees.
And like I mentioned, the shit and vomit sentence is mostly correct :P
And actually "pask" is more like "crap". "shit" is "sitt".
Öeldakse ka: Hansuke ja Greteke.
Epp - I think one of the words was 'tarvis' or 'tarvus' - I can't remember. Which of these means something in Estonian?!?!?!?
tarvis = vaja
takes da-infinitive, always.
Meil on tarvis minna poodi.
Sul on vaja juuksurisse minna.
If kaduma = to disappear, then
1. Hansel ja Gretel kadusid _metsa_
(they disappeared into the woods)
Kaduma is also "to get lost". Then we say.
Hansel ja Gretel kadusid metsa ära.
2. Juha _tarbis_ meie _jäätise_ ära.
Tarbimine is a systematic action, eating up someones icecream is more an one-time or accidental action.
- Toomas Liivi probleemid on _keerelnud_ kontrolli alt välja.
I have never heard someone using "keerlema kontrolli alt välja", but hey - it's nice. Usually we just say "väljusid kontrolli alt".
Sinu pelmeeni-lause on lihtsalt suurepärane!
Veel näiteid:
Maakera keerleb ümber päikese.
Marta keerles peegli ees: "Ilus kleit!"
"Marta keerles peegli ees" presumes that there is someone watching Marta and we continue of talking about that someone. But if talking about Marta, on should rather say:
"Marta keerutas peegli ees".
Maakera keerleb ümber päikese.
Tegelikult oleks kõige parem nii:
Maakera tiirleb ümber päikese.
Maakera pöörleb ümber enese telje.
Ei teagi, mille kohta keerlema täpselt käib...
Ei teagi, mille kohta keerlema täpselt käib..
In English we usually use it cases like 'downward spiral' or 'spiraling out of control.'
Tarbimine is a systematic action, eating up someones icecream is more an one-time or accidental action.
Literally, yes, but when I speak English I might say he 'consumed' our ice cream to give the feeling that the person eating the ice cream was mechanical and robotic and efficient in his consumption of the ice cream - it's just a funny way we play with words in English.
Igasugused mõtted keerlevad peas.
Lumehelbed keerlevad. Õnneks mitte veel praegu. Kas "whirl" sobiks inglise vasteks?
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