neljapäev, september 05, 2013


Some new vocabulary words

Vastandumine -- Antagonism. Ex:... pole ka maailmapoliitikas juba pikka aega olnud sellist vastandumist nagu me näeme täna näiteks Venemaa ja Ameerika Ühendriikide suhete puhul. {For some time in world politics, we haven't seen such antagonism as we see today in Russian and American relations}

Vaibumine -- Abatement. Ex: Enam kui kaks aastat ning kümneid tuhandeid inimelusid nõudnud kodusõda ei näita vähimatki vaibumismärki. {A more than two year and tens of thousands of lives-taking civil war shows not even half a chance of abatement}

Taandumine -- Receding. Ex: Eeldada, et diktaatorite taandumine looks kiire võimaluse demokraatlikeks protsessideks, oleks väga naiivne. {To presuppose that the receding of dictatorships would create a quick opportunity for democratic processes would be very naive}

Ohjeldada -- To curb. Ex: Kindlasti peegeldub siin Külma sõja aegne liitlassuhe, aga samuti soov ohjeldada USA ja lääneriikide mõjuvõimu Lähis-Idas. {Certainly this reflects a Cold War era relationship, but also a desire to curb the US and Western countries' influence in the Middle East}

Forgive the crude translations.

8 kommentaari:

Marko ütles ...

That's Soviet lingo, man. Some Estonians seem to forget that the Russian leaders have been making remarks a la 'we're gonna nuke your bloody arses' to Western countries for nearly 70 years now. Estonia has been at the receiving end some 25 odd years only. The state of paranoia in Estonia is as it was in the UK in the early 80s. I mean, the level of threat is as real now as it was back then, the difference is that the Old West has learnt to live with it.

LPR ütles ...

It all boils to down to this: Saudis wanted a new gas pipe to go thru Syria to EU, Russians were against it (but of course!) and unstable Syria is just perfect to prevent that to happen. So now Saudis offered to pay for the war to pacify the situation if US lacks cash, extend credit, if you will and get it done.

Russians in turn threaten to go postal with their A bomb. Or at least, invade the Baltics and get something out of it after the dust settles.

LPR ütles ...

Oh ... forgot to add ...

Marko ütles ...

On Syria, I'm afraid, I'm with the British. On one hand Assad needs a good kicking but on the other -what if we're gonna get Egypt scenario, muslim brotherhood and sharia law and all that? I reckon that's why Saudis are interested in the first place - to push their own political agenda. They've already got all the money in the world, all they don't have are the new territories. Cultural expansion.

Arm the rebels and allow them to fight their own corner, sure, we'll gonna have a civil war but the other option, Western military occupation followed by Saudi colonial supremacy exercised on the Syrian people, no. Fuck that. Let the Syrians themselves to battle this one out.

LPR ütles ...

No taking sides here ...

Philippe ütles ...

LPR, I have actually heard the exact opposite, that the ones wanting the pipeline are the Iranians, and that Saudi Arabia, Qatar & Turkey are the ones wanting to prevent this. On top of that, that the destabilization of Syria (and of all its neighbours) is also highly desirable for Israel and probably a principal component of Obama's push for intervention. See:
and of course

Mardus ütles ...

In this context:

Vastandumine - I could add brinkmanship, (mutual) polarisation.

Vaibumine - in this context, use easing, to ease

Taandumine - retreat.

Ohjeldada - to contain.

Mardus ütles ...

Subscription to thread, too.